
A new Easter in Baden-Baden

Following the announcement that the Berliner Philharmoniker will be returning to Salzburg from 2026, Baden-Baden is calling on a new generation of artists to maintain its prestigious Easter Festival at the same level of excellence. In order to “broaden the European vision”, the Koninklijk Concertgebouworkest in Amsterdam and the Mahler Chamber Orchestra will take over as main orchestras of the Festival from 2026. Conductors Joana Mallwitz and Klaus Mäkelä will play a central role in Baden-Baden‘s future artistic programming. In the meantime, the next two editions in 2024 and 2025 will feature the Berliner, who have been in residence at the Festspielhaus Baden-Baden since 2013.
Discover the Easter Festival at the Festspielhaus Baden-Baden

Beflaggung der Osterfestspiele 2023 © Maria Vannier