A renowned choreographer from the 1980s to the present day, Hervé Robbe is the subject of an exhibition entitled (RE)collection “Chemins dansants”. From 27 February to 16 March 2024, the Centre national de la danse (CND) and Chaillot – Théâtre national de la Danse are devoting a major exhibition around his artistic approach and his research into the movement that gives rise to his innovative and unique choreographic style. Trained mainly at Mudra (Maurice Béjart’s school), Hervé Robbe founded his company, le Marietta secret, in 1987. He was appointed director of the Centre Chorégraphique National du Havre Haute-Normandie in 1999 and artistic director of the Pôle Création Chorégraphique within the Fondation Royaumont in 2013. For the occasion, his multi-disciplinary pieces are being presented in both institutions: DEERS (02/03), Remix Factory 93/23 (08 and 09/03) and Sollicitudes (15 and 16/03) at the CND in Pantin and his latest creation In Extenso, Danses en Nouvelles (20 to 23/03) at Chaillot in Paris.
Factory © Jorge Leon